desirdiris M 49 F 49
Nantes, Pays de la Loire
We have fun French couple. We love sex with others and sensuality.
grosnipe M 59 F 56
Bairon et ses environs, Grand Est
feo17 M 36 F 27
Marseille, Provence-Alpes-CA´te d'Azur
Sexadventure M 45 F 45
Paris, AZle-de-France
I'm not into anything too crazy, but I do love sex!
Harmlesscouple M 52 F 50
Fours, Bourgogne-Franche-ComtA©
We are harmless and nice couple and looking for similar humans
Cpllib34 M 31 F 31
Espondeilhan, Occitanie
sextraveller M 56 F 45
Nice, Provence-Alpes-CA´te d'Azur
lacatusricardo M 29 F 25
Saint-Cyr-l'A‰cole, AZle-de-France
cansu M 28 F 27
We are 25 years old beloved couple. We are looking for new excitements. My girlfriend is bisexual.
monkee1975 M 49 F 49
Strasbourg, Grand Est
We are looking for FUN lol
paoym M 37 F 25
Sex! Let's be honest about things, my main interest is lots of sex.