sam767 Man 24
Docklands, Victoria
Alex06RHP Man 34
h4614b Man 37
Skyguy Man 37
Not much to say
funfoa7 Man 40
candybo M 34 F 30
Joe_Kenn Man 57
Average looking I guess, you’ll be the judge. I’ve had the snip, find that I’m still as horny as when I was 18, can go multiple times a night WITHOUT chemical enhancement and my fetish range seems to be increasing. The restbis open to interpretation....
winter5 Woman 30
wantyoukissyou Man 20
farijoon1231372 Woman 20
trgtrg Man 34
hungsamx Man 38
Good sense of humour, dirty mind, a beautiful heart- deadly combination. A sophisticated gentleman classy with respect for a woman still like forehead kisses, cute dinner dates & romance. Dominant, confident & a playful man & knows what...