trgn4324 Group 49
Istanbul, Istanbul
well educated couple looking fo change
avatar3910 M 40 F 39
Izmir, Izmir
phuket couples from January 3 to January 22 2023
Cptizmir Man 31
MarrySu Woman 31
Ankara, Ankara
Adjkis M 26 F 22
Mayki Man 45
I'm of average looks and build but I do look after myself and present well.
Ahtapot Man 34
istwest34 Man 52
I'm a very curious and experimental person, that means sexually too!
a0000123 Man 20
Fares123 Man 31
Benedikt Man 29
I want to work my way through the Karma Sutra with someone.
Brkirm M 30 F 30