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jimi123456 M 20 F 20
Paphos, Paphos
so_sexycouple M 39 F 36
Limassol, Limassol
luffy116 M 25 F 23
Dali, Nicosia
Ranser M 26 F 26
Larnaca, Larnaca
KmagCy M 38 F 36
Nicosia, Nicosia
We are a couple new in this with no previous experience and want to try new things. First we would like to hook up with a women and see where it takes us
Vikivanq Woman 48
22Allazoume M 48 F 43
hthhjhy1 M 20 F 20
Petros32 M 38 F 36
marelis M 57 F 56
experimenting special moments with other similar couples to spice up sexual life
asd135fg M 45 F 44
syncros M 42 F 33