Roxanez3512 Woman 31
Milan, Lombardy
section on a dating site is one of the most important pieces of your dating profile. It lets potential dates know who you really are, what you like, and whether they want to get to know you better.
Jraburobin M 30 F 28
Genoa, Liguria
Think always positive
cloggy71 Man 53
Vicenza, Veneto
kesmeseker M 19 F 19
Turin, Piedmont
Singolo85 Man 39
Trento, Trentino-South Tyrol
Curiuos man
Zambla Alta, Lombardy
kusbaz Man 32
Pescara, Abruzzo
Ownerofyourwife Man 48
Riccione, Emilia-Romagna
Italian business man in Toronto for one week and then in Montreal and NY
Jradil12 M 29 F 26
Think positive and enjoy every moments
Seemoon Man 28
Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna
Totos Man 49
Rome, Lazio
younglovers1993 M 31 F 35
Venice, Veneto