Casual sex in South Australia, Australia

Are you looking for Casual sex in South Australia? We are one of the largest Casual sex sites in SA.

Here are some locals looking for Casual sex in Australia, SA

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We are a fun and fit couple, absolutely solid in our relationship with no secrets. We are professionals by day, therefore discretion is required and assured in return. We enjoy our downtime; travelling, socialising, wining and dining, getting on...

Horny, wet Bi girl looking to share my partner with another woman. If it goes well I would love a ongoing friends with benefits situation 😉

I,Lol Love,shipping,clothing,viBes,Interesting,...said the bird,...

We are both very into the swingers world and have had experiences recently but want to take it to the next level I'm almost open to anything if it pleases the other person and so is my partner

We are a young couple, looking for some fun. Him- laid back and shy at first, but can quickly change into the life of the party once comfortable. Her- Life of the party straight away, just gets more rowdy as the night goes on. Interested in play...

I'm more cerebral than physical; books, cinema, travel - that's my speed. I am a little shy in bed but keen to learn from someone experienced