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sandzozo M 36 F 38
Budapest, Central Hungary
Cuncipunciek M 53 F 53
We're new to the swinging lifestyle and have only few experiences in swingerclubs. We enjoyed our first threesome with a guy and want to discover other possibilities too.
nyuszicsi1 M 50 F 49
We are a hungarian couple open for others maybe for you. Don’t hesitate to write.
slakkkc M 41 F 37
We will be glad to the establishment and friendship
Alexander8687 M 38 F 37
thequiettype205 M 42 F 47
Love to see new places. Fine food and fine wine with the best people. Love to travel and experience all that life has to offer.
JimbooHun M 47 F 42
We are
kkazi M 44 F 39
Hello, we are a couple with my wife, 17th years ago. We are looking for friends for some fun together.
xnnxx69 M 26 F 25
We love adventures
camellot69 M 58 F 56
tantric massage / sensual massage / erotic massage
Nyuszicsi M 50 F 49
We are an open couple
zdevilrock M 45 F 39